Monday, October 1, 2012

while I’m waiting…

The providence of God’s timing is—of lately—been something that has frustrated me, which I shall explain in a moment .

However, this morning I couldn’t help but notice a bit of perfect timing in my life. And now that I think about it, if it weren’t for my current circumstances I might not have noticed all this in the first place!

Browsing on pinterest this morning lead me to this blog: and to this post:

What am I waiting for?? Oh, where to begin! There are so many things in my life that aren’t “done” or are not “where they should be.” Reading through this post, I was struck by the fact that I’m not alone. Perhaps this obvious to others, but a lot of times I feel like everyone else's life is so together and then there's little ol' me: still waiting. Today, I was reminded that everyone is waiting for something.

My top two when-is-this-going-to-happen-for-me are:
-a permanent teaching position
-moving out of my parents house

I’ve struggled long and hard with both of these issues. I’ve prayed about them, whined about them, journaled about them; the list goes on. If I’m not obsessing about one, I’m obsessing about the other. And I’m constantly reminded about the fact that neither of these has “come true” in my life the way I thought they would. Just last week, while subbing, I taught the poem “A Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughes. Cruel irony, right?

After reading the blog post I mentioned above, I felt challenged to find God in MY waiting. The blog author suggested that this time of waiting is a season of seeing God—instead of feeling abandoned by Him.

THEN, during my devotional time, I read Acts 3: “The Lame Beggar Healed.” Do you know this story? It’s not particularly awe-inspiring. In fact it’s similar to many of the miracles performed by Jesus but I can’t help but smile at the fact that I happened to read it today. In the story, Peter & John see a man that has been “lame from birth” (vs. 2). It does not say how old he was at the time of the story, but it does say that Peter healed the man and immediately he was able to walk and leap.

What struck me about this story is that this man has probably waited a LONG time for Peter & John to come by. He probably wasn’t ever expecting to walk. I guess that he may have always hoped for it but spent a lifetime waiting. Puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?

Rachel (at has committed to writing “every single day [through the month of October] about waiting and how to find God.” I am joining her. I may not blog every day, but I will write everyday about finding God in my waiting.

I HIGHLY encourage you to check out her blog. It’s amazing and full of truth and it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time for me.

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