Monday, October 22, 2012

Waiting: Week Three~ish

I have to say I am coming off of a wonderful weekend. My best friend (hi Erin!) was here for 3 days before leaving me to go back to Oregon. We had a blast at another friend’s “goodbye bash,” a baby shower, and a girls game night. I got very little sleep and drank a lot of coffee but those are my favorite times. And I’m pretty sure I’ll be having another one of those weekends in just three days. I will be flying to Oregon for my sister’s graduation!

I’m absolutely positive I will get not enough sleep, but will get to spend precious, precious time with my beautiful sister. So far I’ve been promised a fancy caramel making session, wine tasting in the Willamette Valley, dinner at her fancy pants restaurant, and lots of uber closeness that will drive her bananas. :)

On top of that, God continues to patiently teach me about the process of waiting and I’m surprisingly finding more & more joy as I continue to pursue Him.

My wonderful journey continued with last week’s post:

I was drawn to this quote from the above blog: “Cynicism masquerades as strength. We build buttresses made of negative promises. Arrows can’t pierce nonexistent dreams.”

Monday, October 15, 2012

The hills & valleys of waiting.

I love metaphors.

They are such fun little packages waiting to be unpacked. And they have this beautiful ability to help explain the unexplainable. What’s not to love about them?

One of my favorite metaphors for life with God is the image of our life as full of hills & valleys. It is so clear and easy to understand.

Monday, October 1, 2012

while I’m waiting…

The providence of God’s timing is—of lately—been something that has frustrated me, which I shall explain in a moment .

However, this morning I couldn’t help but notice a bit of perfect timing in my life. And now that I think about it, if it weren’t for my current circumstances I might not have noticed all this in the first place!

Browsing on pinterest this morning lead me to this blog: and to this post:

What am I waiting for?? Oh, where to begin! There are so many things in my life that aren’t “done” or are not “where they should be.” Reading through this post, I was struck by the fact that I’m not alone. Perhaps this obvious to others, but a lot of times I feel like everyone else's life is so together and then there's little ol' me: still waiting. Today, I was reminded that everyone is waiting for something.