Saturday, July 21, 2012

Healthy food I like? Get out!

Something happened to me today.

I got excited about my snack. My HEALTHY snack.

And not just “yummy” excited. Blissfully-don’t-bother-me-right-now-excited. I closed my bedroom door and put on my favorite music and just enjoyed my snack.

I think I may have been replaced in the night. I hate healthy food. Or I guess I should say hated. I usually avoid it. Whenever I read a low-cal recipe with soy-anything in it, I immediately move on. A friend posted on pinterest about using cucumbers as crackers and I got a little grossed out.

I have been known to eat dessert AS A MEAL. I’ve also been known to say things like “there’s always room for ice-cream (my ALL time favorite dessert)—it just fits into all the crevices in your tummy.” I always choose full-fat versions of stuff, because—get this—I CAN TASTE THE DIFFERENCE and it bothers me. And even if I can’t taste it, I say crap like, “well, whatever they put in there to make it taste the same can’t be good for you.”

I think there may be some truth to the last one. At least I think that’s why you’re not supposed to drink diet soda. And I’ll probably still believe the ice-cream one. It’s my Achilles heel.

BUT I seemed to have turned a new leaf or something because I am sitting here eating an apple with a laughing cow wedge and seriously enjoying it.

Now I figure there are other people like me, who honestly don’t enjoy most health food. And most of those people are also like me—they are trying to lose weight but cannot stomach another celery stick.

So I started thinking about what has changed my eating habits (and my exercise mojo—I’ll post about that later).

Well, when I pick healthy food—I find ways to make it enjoyable. I pick the stuff I know I’m going to like. Maybe this is common sense to other people, but for me, I always say health food as blah. No flavor. No fun.

I challenge that now!

Let’s take a look at my snack today shall we? 
Soaking in some lemon juice
First of all I picked a granny smith apple. I don’t like other apple varieties, but granny smith are tart and I love that. I also hate mushy or even slightly soft apples. Granny smith seem to be less soft and the tartness takes away from most mushiness for me. Another trick that helps make the apple yummy? I put some lemon juice on my apples.

Lemon juice, oddly enough, helps keep apples from browning which is another big turn-off when it comes to fruit and I. Once it turns any shade of brown, I’m done. But lemon juice slows the process AND enhances the tartness of the apple. WIN!

Finally, the laughing cow wedge. This little brand is a favorite for websites like Hungry Girl. They love the laughing cow. And for good reason. These little guys clock in at just 35 calories. My next food confession: I don’t really like swiss cheese. But guess what? They flavor their cheese wedges and one of the flavor options is light queso fresco & chipotle!! A flavor combo I do love: anything with chipotle in it! 
I LOVE spicy food!
yumminess just got cuter
So, to recap, a granny smith apple + lemon juice + laughing cow wedge (chipotle) = snack bliss!
{and with a small apple it equals 95 total calories!}

I put a lot cheese on this slice for the picture. Oops.
I’ll probably still eat ice-cream later but I’m learning to make my healthy food yummy!

What are your favorite health food tricks?

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