For 2013, I didn’t make any.
I almost always do. Sometimes I forget. This is the first year I consciously chose not to.
Don’t worry, this isn’t a “why bother? no one ever keeps them” post. In fact, I’d rather talk about the problem with making a list of things, in one night, that will radically improve your entire year (and ideally your life).
I mean, seriously, who thought that up? Talk about biting off more than you can chew! Like I can accurately predict where I will be in a year. A year is 365 days that I am not in control of. 365 opportunities for things to go exactly as I did NOT plan them to. That’s life.
So, I’m refusing to right down resolutions this year. I’m accepting the fact that I’m human and I’m going to forget them in a month anyways. I did write down some goals and predictions—things I’d like to see happen in the next year. For example, next year at this time I’d like to be teaching English overseas.
I’d also like to be 10lbs lighter, but that’s a true statement ALL the time, not just on January 1st. Which leads me to my next point. Why do we wait until the first of the year to finally make goals and resolutions? I think that’s another mistake. I think every day, whether it’s December 31st or the middle of July, is an opportunity to resolve to be a better person. So that’s what I’m doing. Everyday I’m working on me in whatever way that I can.
Okay, tangent over. I originally started this blog post to share about my next craft project and then I got a little carried away, but I like what I said, so I’m leaving it :)
Anyway, have you ever seen those 365 projects? You know, photo a day, or drawing a day, or homemade meal a day, or blog post a day? There’s tons out there. I’m not committing to blog post a day. I do not have that kind of time!
I love the photo a day challenge, but I also really want to spend more time making art so I decided to combine the two. I found this photo a day challenge. I like that it gives you a prompt to follow. I’m not going to take a picture however. Instead, I’m going to create a piece of art that represents the prompt…on an index card. That way it is small and totally doable in a day. And then I will have 365 pieces of art next year. For accountability, I will try to post them on here once a week.
That’s it! I hope you enjoy :)
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